Los Angeles – United States
ISBN: 978-609-485-459-0
Date: 17th August 2023
Category: Teaching and Education
The magnificent city of Los Angeles, USA will be the host of the 6th edition of WORLDCTE – the World Conference on Teaching and Education. Scholars, scientists, researchers, and graduate and post-graduate students from around the world will come together on the 17th-18th of August to share their unique perspectives and experiences, inspire and learn from each other, uncover new trends, discuss common challenges, and brainstorm creative solutions.
Managing Research Dissemination and Exposure
Jenny Grant Rankin, Ph.D.
U.S. Department of State (Fulbright Specialist Program) and Mensa, United States of America
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Using research to inform teaching and learning in higher education: Tips for university academics
Dr. Severino Machingambi
University of Mpumalanga, South Africa
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
A Study of Professional Connectedness and Isolation in The Learning Lives of Teachers in Remote and Peri-Urban Primary Schools in Indonesia
Imelda Dwi Rosita Sari
University of Sussex, UK
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Internationalization in Higher Education in the UAE: Global trends and recommendation for its future
Dr. Rashid Al Riyami,Dr. Ghadah Al Murshidi
Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction Department, College of Education, United Arab Emirates University, UAE
Assistant Professor, Foundations of Education Department, College of Education, United Arab Emirates University, UAE
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
De-Stigmatizing Working with Dyslexic Learners
Riley Dandurand and Morgan Stone
Kansas State University, USA
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Analytical Paradigms of Global Issues in Education and Research
Ajewole, Idowu Philip & Ajimuse, Muyiwa Sunday
Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Investigating Rural University Students’ Capacity and Readiness for Posthuman Workforce
Bunmi Isaiah Omodan
Walter Sisulu University, South Africa
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
The Challenges facing the Saudi Electronic university leadership and their implications)
Dr. Sulaiman Alshathri
Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Teachers’ Professional Development for ICTs Integration in the Algerian Higher Education: Attitudes and Challenges
Fatima Didane
Historical Documents Translation Lab, Department of English, Algiers 2 University, Algeria
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Scientific and Theoretical Bases of the Methods of Formation of Linguoculturological Competence of The Future Foreign Language Teacher
Abdraimova Banu, Zhaitapova Altynay, and Akhmetova Madeniet
Abdraimova Banu, 2nd-year Ph.D. student, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty City, Kazakhstan
Zhaitapova Altynay, d.p.s., professor, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty City, Kazakhstan
Akhmetova Madeniet, Ph.D., associate professor, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty City, Kazakhstan
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Moral Orientation of Educators and Their Commitment to Core Professional Value: Preliminary Research Findings
Dr. Linda Cummins, Dr. Laurie Wellner
National University/Touro University, USA
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
A Social Semiotic Approach to Incorporate Multimodal Literacy in the Foreign Language Class
Dr. Ana Sanchez
West Chester University, PA, USA
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Examining Gender Stereotypes in Four Selected English Fairy Tales: Implications for Teaching Reading in The Primary Classroom
Madoda Cekiso and Thenjiwe Meyiwa
Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
The Emergency Remote Teaching Experience of the Arabian Gulf University During COVID-19 Pandemic
Prof Alajab Mohammed Alajab Ismail,Prof. Alaaeldin Abdelhamed Ayoub Mohammed
Arabian Gulf University, Department of Distance Learning, Kingdom of Bahrain
College of Graduate Studies Arabian Gulf University
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Second or Foreign Language: The Teaching and Learning of English in Adult Education and Training in Rural South African Black Communities
Sikheto Joe Kubayi
School of Languages and Communication Studies, University of Limpopo, Private Bag X1106, SOVENGA, Republic of South Africa
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
The Influence of African Literature on Black Higher Education Students in South Africa
Prof. Dr. Osborn Risimati Chauke
University of Limpopo, South Africa
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Evaluation of the Scientific Publication at the Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador: Using Data Mining Techniques
Fabricio Guevara-Viejó, Juan Diego Valenzuela-Cobos
Universidad Estatal de Milagro – Ecuador
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Disparities Between Subjective Experiences of Students and Teachers’ Perceptions on School Alienation among Junior High School Students in Taiwan
Yi-Jen Lu,Bei-Lu Tseng
National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, Mental Health and Counseling Center/ Institute of Education
National Kaohsiung Normal University, Department of Education
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
A Novel Collaborative Interdisciplinary Teaching Model for Science Education: Engaging Non-STEM Students in Science Communication to Counteract Negative Stereotypes of Scientists
Nagwan R. Zahry, PhD and Hong Qin, PhD
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Evaluation of Communicative Performance and Proficiency of English as A Foreign Language (EFL) Learners: Basis for The Development of Communicative Assessment Tool and Instructional Materials
Neliza Cayaban, Rizal Dapat
Adamson University, Philippines
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Competencies of Academic Staff for Digital Assessment
Prof. Simona Sava, Assoc. Prof. PhD Gabriela Grosseck, Senior Lecturer PhD Laura Malita
West University of Timisoara, Romania
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]
Enhancing Learner Experience through AI-based Personalized Learning: A Case Study at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
Khalid Baba, Nour-eddine El Faddouli and Nicolas Cheimanoff
Mohammadia School of Engineering, Rabat, Morocco
EMINES – School of Industrial Management, um6p, Ben Guerir, Morocco
Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]