Evaluation of the Scientific Publication at the Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador: Using Data Mining Techniques

Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education

Year: 2023



Evaluation of the Scientific Publication at the Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador: Using Data Mining Techniques

Fabricio Guevara-Viejó, Juan Diego Valenzuela-Cobos



The scientific publication of universities is related to the indicators established in the different international university rankings such as: citations received per publication, international collaboration and the main indicator being total production of published documents. The Universidad Estatal de Milagro (UNEMI) is a higher education institution located on the Ecuadorian coast that has revolutionized the educational system, going from having 5,000 undergraduate students in 2019 to having 42,000 undergraduate students in 2022, and 1,000 graduate students in 2019 to 8,000 students in 2022. The results obtained according to the multivariate statistical methods have shown that UNEMI, based on the scientific research indicators of the rankings, has managed to grow from 4 articles published in 2014 to 38 articles published in 2022 in journals indexed in SCOPUS, being the main factor: the increase in teachers with doctoral degrees and links with internationally renowned universities. In conclusion we can indicate the importance of the use of multivariate techniques that indicated the factors for the growth of scientific publication at the Universidad Estatal de Milagro.

keywords: article, journals, factors, Scopus