Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Teaching and Education
Year: 2023
Managing Research Dissemination and Exposure
Jenny Grant Rankin, Ph.D.
Interacting with journalists, media, and other sharing channels has changed drastically over the last decade for researchers wanting to share their findings widely and well. Research management needs to include incorporating modern dissemination opportunities and strategies so that researchers’ knowledge and findings can have maximum benefit to students, practitioners, institutions, and society. As the field of education evolves and new knowledge is uncovered that can help move the field forward, related research findings must be shared effectively. This paper includes an examination of new education research dissemination opportunities available today so that new discoveries and information can more immediately inform education practices worldwide. This paper reflects a sample of research compiled in two books on this paper’s topic with a total of approximately 532 sources cited, though there was some overlap of a few sources: one is specifically for educators and those researching within the education field and references 241 sources, and one is specifically for researchers and references 291 sources. Since this paper is based on a collection of multiple studies and other expert feedback, the methodologies of involved studies are varied. Resources available to traditionally underrepresented groups are also addressed so that more diverse perspectives are represented in field dialogue.
keywords: dissemination, disseminate, exposure, knowledge, press