Invisible Consequences of Online Teaching

Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Advanced Research in Education

Year: 2021


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Invisible Consequences of Online Teaching

Goranka Stanić




Suprised with a sudden turnaround around the world, classes were held ONLINE during the pandemic. The enthusiasm for the speed of switching from classical classroom teaching splashed—the belief in new methods and the success of education ruined by unpleasant facts. The first year was total disorganization of many teachers, and the older generations failed to cope. Learning methods on “click” puzzles, tests for learning and checking, animations, comics, presentations, mass new software, games have started. The result is not encouraging. Students passively clicked and looked at the monitors, transcribed and cheated on knowledge tests, and sat in front of the monitor all day. Many professions could not conduct practical classes such as medicine, electricians, car mechanics, plumbers, hairdressers, cooks, etc.

keywords: enthusiasm for teaching, ONLINE , Surprises, Problems, Omissions.