Students’ Learning and Outcomes as Indicators of Quality Teaching in Higher Education

Proceedings of ‏The 3rd International Conference on Research in Education

Year: 2021


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Students’ Learning and Outcomes as Indicators of Quality Teaching in Higher Education

Assia Baghdadi



Quality Teaching is believed to be one of the controversial terms that raised debates among the scholars who have been divided into those who regard quality primarily as an outcome, and those who view it as a property. Another trend considers teaching as the never ending process of reduction of defects and so Quality Teaching can never be totally grasped and appraised. Accordingly, the issue of measuring quality teaching is highly crucial, and the choice of valid indicators to assess the quality of teaching is not yet standardized and is still challenging. Furthermore the emerging consensus explores that traditional teacher evaluation methods are inadequate and inconsequential in ensuring a quality teaching workforce.  In this regard, the current paper attempts to introduce firstly a set of competitive definitions of quality teaching, and secondly shedding light on the new criteria for evaluation that rely more on student learning and outcomes, and also on multiple measures that are expected to ensure a more holistic assessment of teacher performance and initiatives. Finally, a series of considerations and recommendations are stated for the betterment of quality teaching.

Keywords: assessment; learners; measurement; performance; University.