- Mar 10, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 3rd-educationconf
Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Education
Year: 2021
A Design of Personal Learning Network on Social Networking Tools with Gamification for Professional Experience
Janejira Arsarkij and Thanomporn Laohajaratsang
This research aimed to design a novel teaching and learning process in the professional experience training. The Successive Approximation Model (SAM) was applied in the design process. The framework of the process as proposed, comprised: components of a Personal Learning Network (PLN), the process of PLN, and the process of professional experience. The four components of PLN were: learning resources, learning tools, learning content, and learning activities. In addition, the process of PLN consisted of creation, connection, cognition, and contribution. The implementation of PLN consisted of learning activities in accordance with the process of the professional experience training utilizing gamification features, specifically addable badges, and gamification features on the social networking tool CourseNetworking (CN). The results from the eleven experts revealed that the teaching and learning process using personal learning networks on social networking tools with gamification in the professional experience training course indicated high levels of standard evaluation, innovative attributes, design process, teaching and learning process, and teaching and learning activities.
Keywords: Personal Learning Network, PLN, Social Networking Tools with Gamification, Professional Experience.