- Feb 16, 2020
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 2nd-rteconf
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Research in Teaching and Education
Year: 2020
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/2nd.rteconf.2020.03.38
Academics’ Perceptions of Transformation Policies for Equity in Higher Education
Coetzee LS, Janse van Vuuren EC and Adefuye AO
In order to redress the inequalities of the past, South African governmental mandates are focused towards transformation for inclusiveness, diversity and equity to previous disadvantaged populations. These policies seek to address inequality in all spheres of daily life. This study investigated the perceptions of academics to policy implementation, among 111 Faculty of Health Sciences participants. The results found a range of perceptions, relating to sustainability, succession, promotion and perceived competence of alleged political appointments. The implementation is thus, slowed down by the resistance to change, the negative perception of transformative efforts. The findings also indicate that political goals through policy promulgation are insufficient and unlikely to be successful without a change in the individuals’ perceptions of these policies. Further studies are needed to identify how these perceptions can be altered and garner widespread buy-in on an individual basis for these policies, in order to shape a diverse and sustainable academic workforce into the future.
Keywords: change; decolonisation; educational reform; policy; sustainability.