- Apr 2, 2020
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 2nd-icnaeducation
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on New Approaches in Education
Year: 2020
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/2nd.icnaeducation.2020.03.148
Identity Crisis of the Linguistic Minorities in The Process of Acculturation with Reference to Secondary Curriculum in the State of West Bengal, India
Russell Al Farabi
The problems of language planning in multilingual countries cannot be viewed from the monolingual perspective which is available from the developed countries. Every multicultural, multilingual country must find its own unique solution keeping in view the sociolinguistic and psychological contexts of its language use. Language is one of the most debated topics in Indian education. Being a democratic, multilingual country, India and its educators are constantly grappling with the issue of what languages should be the media of instruction, particularly with reference to speakers of minority languages, some of which lack standardized written forms. India has vast majority of speakers of over 1,600 mother tongues dominated by only 15 scheduled languages. Unfortunately, the social policy planners have failed to take adequate notice of the fact that the social and psychological consequences of neglect of its multicultural and multilingual reality. The language problems in India must be viewed within a holistic framework and that, apart from the emotional and intuitive arguments often advanced in favour of mother tongue maintenance, there is a need for promotion of mother tongues through their educational sue and through other means.The present study contains the background and conceptual knowledge about acculturation and the problem of ethnic minorities and the reason behind selecting such area as study for research. This study would help to understand the issues associated with the disproportional representation of culturally and linguistically diverse learners in Education in West Bengal, India. Here the researcher also focused on the present curriculum of secondary level in the state of West Bengal, India and tried to locate the identity crisis of the linguistic minorities through several qualitative work related to the topic.
Keywords: Linguistic Minority, Minority Languages, Multiculturalism, Multilingual Education.