Proceedings of the International Education Conference

Vienna – Austria

ISBN: 978-609-485-468-2

Date: 24th November 2023

Category: Education

An International Education Conference is an event that brings together educators, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners from around the world to discuss and share their knowledge and experiences in the field of education. Attending a Teaching & Education Research Conference 2023 provides participants with the opportunity to learn about the latest research and best practices in education, network with colleagues from around the world, and share their own research and experiences.

How Much Phonemic Awareness Is Enough?

Prof. Dr. Florina Erbeli, M. Bishop, M. Goodrich and M. Rice, Y. Xu
Texas A&M University
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Integrating system dynamics into technology enhanced learning (TEL) infrastructure planning: a multifaceted approach for decision-making for technology forecasting with a simulation

Dr. Pregalathan Reddy
Durban University of Technology
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

What Happens If You Let the Coose? Asynchronous And/Or Face to Face Learning Ih Higher Education

Michal M. Schodl
Teaching and Learning Center, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Cybergogy in the Age of the Metaverse: Opportunities and Challenges in Private Pilot Licence Training

Dr. Eswaranathan Ehambaranathan
IPU, New Zealand
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

The Attitudes of Fifth and Sixth Graders in Kuwait Governmental Schools towards Recreational and Academic Reading in English

Amel M. Al-Adwani & Anaam Al-Fadley
English language Department, College of Basic Education. PAEET, Kuwait
Curriculum & Instructions Department, College of Basic Education, PAAET, Kuwait
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Game Ghangers in Education: Intercultural Competence Development Through Virtual Global Exchange

hanny Fuks, emily Spitzman, manal Yazbak Abu Ahmad,sheena Rancher
Oranim College Israel
Bridgewater State University USA,
English Department Sakhnin College Israel
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Teaching English at tertiary level: motivating students of technical study programs

Viktorija Tataurova
Riga Technical University
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Teaching about Cultural Heritage in Primary Education: A Study on Local Community Involvement

Vlasta Hus, Polona Jančič Hegediš
University of Maribor, Slovenia
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

From Policy to Practice: Evaluating the One-Year Outcomes of Moldova’s Higher Education Reforms

Prof. Dr. Dragoș Cimpoieș and Rodica Reșitca
Moldova State University
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

The IDEA Framework: Cultivating Inclusion, Embracing Diversity, Advancing Equity, and Propelling Action in the Primary School Environment

Prof. Dr. Ashley R Vaccaro, Bartola Mavric, MA
The British International School (49-179)
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Development of a system for registration and monitoring of Transformative Learning Initiatives at Mackenzie Presbyterian University in Brazil

Lima, M. Z. T. (Mariana Zuliani Theodoro De Lima); Piva, S. S. (Suelene Silva Piva); Silva, M.C. (Milena Colazingari Da Silva); Rocha, L. P. (Lucas Paulo Da Rocha), Brunstein, J. (Janette BRUNSTEIN)
Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Social Research as a Means for Peace Education

Dr. Inna V. Naletova, Civil Peace Service advisor,Dr. João Câncio Freitas
Catholic University of Timor-Leste
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

The EntreComp Bias: A Qualitative Study on Entrepreneurial Competence in Start-up Training

Berit Sandberg
University of Applied Sciences Berlin/ HTW Business School
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Investigating the Integration of Collaborative Skills and Microlearning-based English Reading Materials for Seventh Graders

Ferina Rizkiani, Ilza Mayuni, Darmahusni
Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Proceedings of the International Education Conference, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]