Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting

Dublin – Republic of Ireland

ISBN: 978-609-485-440-8

Date: 28th July 2023

Category:  Management, Economics and Accounting

The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics, and Accounting,2023 will be held on the 28th-30th of July in one of the most beautiful cities in the world – Dublin, Republic of Ireland. IARMEA is a content-focused event. Every presentation – be it a poster or an oral one – is carefully vetted by our prestigious scientific committee. They ensure that the topics covered by the program are both informative and relevant. The success of the third edition proves that when an event is created around high-quality content the attendees get real value out of the three days of the conference.

The Change of Digital Marketing with Artificial Intelligence

İbrahim Halil Efendioğlu
Gaziantep University, Turkey
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]

Implementation of Improvements to Increase Quality in the Production of Medical Equipment: A case study in a Small Business

Daniel José dos Santos, Laís Aparecida de Paula, Luís Fellipe da Silva Pacheco, Pedro Patrocino de Faria, Wanderson Fargnoli Vaz Gonçalves, Renata Duarte Merlim, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNIBH , Brazil
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]

Innovation in Medical and Legal Education: Artificial Intelligence in lawsuits against Health Plans

Flávio H. B. de Souza, José H. C. Resende Júnior, Christiano J. Perlatto, Elisângela C. O. Gonçalves, Gregory Lauar e Souza, Juliana C. Machado, Lígia B. Patto, Luciana C. Tanure, Rafaela R. Rocha, Carolina C. de M. Barcelos, Viviane C. F. Cezar, Marina C. P. Trindade, Ricardo M. Pedrosa, Alessandra R. C. Kelle¹, Magnólia M. B. P. de Lima, Aline P. F. Bambirra, Vitor A. de Melo, Bárbara de O. Souza, Leonora de O. Rocha, Samara S. Leal¹, Marconi A. dos Reis, Luiza P. Campos, Ana T. S. R. Borges, Maria L. Brandão, Paula , Mariana G. Aguiar, Nathalia F. O. Sousa, Paula G. Ferreira, Gustavo H. dos Reis,, Daniela M. B. S. de Almeida, Rodrigo Freire
Health Lab 4.0 UNIBH – Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNIBH
Ferreira e Chagas Advogados
Decio Freire Advogados Associados
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]

Modeling and Simulation for the Purchasing Process: A Case Study in a Service Provider Company

Yoran Fernandes Lima, Luiz Gustavo Lopes Mascarenhas Couto, Renata Duarte Merlim, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNIBH, Brazil
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]

BPMN and Petri Nets: A Case study of Process Optimization in a Project Engineering Company

Felipe Alves, Renata Duarte Merlim, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNIBH
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]

A higher minimum wage promotes workplace safety: Evidence from the restaurant industry

William LaFiandra and Daniel Schwab
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, USA
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]

Fintech: Controversies and Complexities around Device Size for Mobile Banking

Dr. Akwesi Assensoh-Kodua
Durban University of Technology, South Africa
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023
[Abstract] [PDF]

Vertical and Horizontal Pay Dispersion, Labour Turnover and Firm Performance

Katja Zajc Kejžar, Nina Ponikvar
University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business, Slovenia
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

The nexus between utilitarian and hedonic values, online shopping satisfaction, and purchase intentions

Ephrem Habtemichael Redda
North-West University, South Africa
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Artificial Intelligence in the workplace: Challenges for Human Resource Management

Shani Kuna
Sapir Academic College , Israel
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

The Association between State Reporting Requirements and Municipal Bond Interest Costs

Yunshil Cha,Linda Ragland, Catherine Plante
University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, USA
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Target Management and Corporate Transactions. Evidence from the German Takeover Market

Marvin Gindele, Franziska Rath, Bernhard Schwetzler
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in the Post Pandemic Workplace

Shani Kuna
Sapir Academic College, Israel
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Foreign direct investment, its determinants and impact on economic growth and development: A comparative study

Kingsley Success Ikani, Julia Włodarczyk, Martyna Bieleń
University of Economics in Katowice, Faculty of Economics, 1 Maja 50, 40-287, Katowice, Poland
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Impact of firm-level factors and government business support on the performance of agri-food firms

Pulkeria Pascoe, Marcia Dutra De Barcellos, Hans De Steur , Joachim Schouteten, Hawa Petro Tundui, Xavier Gellynck
Department of Agricultural Economics, Ghent University, Coupure links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
School of Business, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Rua Washington Luiz 855, 90010-460, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Mzumbe University, P.O. Box 6, Mzumbe, Morogoro, Tanzania
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

The role of software and tools in reverse logistics and effect on oily waste management

Khalil Bayramov
University of Lodz, Poland
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Does Split-Rating Affects Corporate Bonds Yield?

Tetiana Paientko, Irina Kolegova
Berlin University of Applied Sciences of Economics and Techniques
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Emerging Technologies in Audit Practice;  Bibliometric Analysis

Priscilla Oracca-Tetteh, Rita Amoah Bekoe, Nicholas Asare
University of Ghana Business School, Ghana
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Cost Accounting Techniques in Manufacturing Sector & its challenges

Vijay Prasannaa
Practicing Cost Accountant, Chennai, India
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]

Fairness Opinions in corporate transactions. Evidence from the German takeover market

Bernhard Schwetzler, Marvin Gindele, Franziska Rath
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 2023

[Abstract] [PDF]