Rotterdam, Netherlands
ISBN: 978-609-485-259-6
Date: 25th February 2022
Category: Engineering, Technology & Science
Rotterdam, Netherlands will be the host of the 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology & Science. Taking place on the 25th-27th of February 2022, ICMETS is an open forum that unites the global academic community. From publication opportunities to poster presentations to keynotes and practical workshops – ICMETS aims to push the field of engineering, technology and science forward by facilitating honest conversations on the most pressing issues.
SIGMUND: Optimization of DISC Methodology and distribution of groups with Machine Learning
Cleiton Silva Ribeiro, Higor Barbosa Ferreira, João Pedro Rodrigues, Ricarte Elias, Victor Santos Boroni, Rafaela Priscila Cruz Moreira, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNIBH/Brazil
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, 2022
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/5th.icmets.2022.02.15
[Abstract] [Fulltext]
Smart Shower System as a Cloud Service: A Low-Cost Proposal for Managing Water Consumption as a Service
Rodrigo dos Santos de Oliveira Reis, Renata Duarte Mellim, Gustavo Alves Fernandes, Bráulio Roberto Gomes Marinho Couto, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Diva de Souza e Silva Rodrigues, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNIBH, Brazil
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, 2022
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/5th.icmets.2022.02.25
[Abstract] [Fulltext]
What Did I Do?: Innovation in the Anamnesis Process
Mateus Augusto Mendonça de Resende, Luma Lima Fernandes Moreira, Deborah Figueiredo Costa, Isabella Caldeira de Sales, Julia de Oliveira Matias, Livia Nardelli Araújo, Luiza Gomes Mota, Mariah Silva Duarte, Rayza Vilela Pereira, Silvia Menezes Leão, Renata Duarte Mellim, Bráulio Roberto Gomes Marinho Couto, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Diva de Souza e Silva Rodrigues, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Centro Universitario de Belo Horizonte UNIBH, Brazil
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, 2022
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/5th.icmets.2022.02.35
[Abstract] [Fulltext]
Digital Service in Brazilian Large Collections: Proposed Mobile Solution Integrated to Chatbots applied to University Collections
Alan Erick Eremita Dias, Jéssica Paula Costa Duarte, Leandro José de Oliveira Gama, José Humberto Cruvinel Resende Junior, Vladimir Alexei Rodrigues Rocha, Gustavo Alves Fernandes, Bráulio Roberto Gomes Marinho Couto, Diva de Souza e Silva Rodrigues, Luiz Melk de Carvalho and Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNIBH, Brazil
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, 2022
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/5th.icmets.2022.02.45
[Abstract] [Fulltext]
EAR: Mobile Solution and Integrated Data Analysis Framework as a Proposal for Monitoring Hearing Loss
Hugo André Carvalho, Luan Hítalo Rodrigues Oliveira, Maik Flávio da Silva Moura, Brenda Lohanna Meireles Nascimento, Bruno Guerra Paiva, Mariana Nazih Danif, Mariella de Souza Resende, Sofia Vilela Soares, Sophia Avelar Freitas, Gustavo Alves Fernandes, Vladimir Alexei Rodrigues Rocha, Bráulio Roberto Gomes Marinho Couto, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Diva de Souza e Silva Rodrigues, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNIBH, Brazil
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, 2022
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/5th.icmets.2022.02.55
[Abstract] [Fulltext]
Sentiment Analysis: Brazilian College Institutions Analysis in Pandemic Times
Gabriel Lavalle Garrido, Vinicius Borges de Oliveira, Diva de Souza e Silva Rodrigues, Bráulio Roberto Gomes Marinho Couto, Gustavo Alves Fernandes, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNIBH, Brazil
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, 2022
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/5th.icmets.2022.02.65
[Abstract] [Fulltext]
Glycosa: Mobile and Cloud Computing Solutions to Combat Diabetes and Control of Glycemia
Shandryll Stéphano Cordeiro Bibiano, César Augusto Cardoso Braga, Ana Carolina Ribeiro, Danilo Cotta Saldanha e Silva, Fernando Astrogildo de Aparecida Pimenta Bracarense, Jefferson Ricardo Rodrigues Morais, João Pedro Antunes Cunha, Maria Fernanda Miranda Valente, Mariana Souza Lima Gariglio, Paulo Mauricio Campos Viana, Renata Duarte Mellim, Gustavo Alves Fernandes, Braulio Roberto Gomes Marinho Couto, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Diva de Souza e Silva Rodrigues, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNIBH, Brazil
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, 2022
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/5th.icmets.2022.02.75
[Abstract] [Fulltext]
Mobile Applications and Cloud Computing Applied on a Solution to Optimize the Auscultation Process
Paulo Estevão de Oliveira Ferreira, Daniel Alberto Santos Divino, Gabriella Braga Garcia Santos, Gustavo Ferreira Lins do Rego Santos, Lais Pimenta Lopes, Renato Alcântara Bento Raphael, Ricardo Barbosa Soares, Suellem Andrade Dutra, Wilgner Ricardo Rail Silva, Vladimir Alexei Rodrigues Rocha, Gustavo Alves Fernandes, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Bráulio Roberto Gomes Marinho Couto, Diva de Souza e Silva Rodrigues, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNIBH, Brazil
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, 2022
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/5th.icmets.2022.02.85
[Abstract] [Fulltext]
Experimental Study of Movement Virtualization by Electric Impulses with Low-Cost Microprocessors
Marcos Paulo Barreto Silva, Matheus Gonçalves Leite, Paulo de Tarso Tavares Dias, Vladimir Alexei Rodrigues Rocha, Gustavo Alves Fernandes, Bráulio Roberto Gomes Marinho Couto, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Diva de Souza e Silva Rodrigues, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNIBH, Brazil
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, 2022
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/5th.icmets.2022.02.95
[Abstract] [Fulltext]
Petdiabet: Ludic Application as a Resource in Control of Diabetes Mellitus through the Carbohydrates Counting
Cristiana Andrade Coelho Dias, Fernanda das Graças Dias, Lais Gusmão Silva, Larissa Reis Baêta, Manuela Capanema Bahia de Rezende, Mayara Santana Hawerroth, Sofia Lannes Tolentino, Jefferson Gomes da Silva, Andreia Letícia de Faria, Gustavo Alves Fernandes, Renata Duarte Mellim, Diva de Souza e Silva Rodrigues, Bráulio Roberto Gomes Marinho Couto, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte UNIBH, Brazil
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, 2022
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/5th.icmets.2022.02.105
[Abstract] [Fulltext]
Development of High Added Value Encapsulated Antimicrobial Powders from Mixed Natural Aqueous Extract from Olive Fruit and Pomegranate & Orange Pomace by Advanced Homogenization Technology and Freeze Drying at Industrial Scale
Stavroula Lada, Fani Karkanta and Dimitrios Charisis
University of Thessaly, Greece
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, 2022
[Abstract] [Fulltext]
Influence of Dried Concrete Sludge on the Properties of Hardened Cement Paste
Edvinas Pocius,and Džigita Nagrockienė
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, 2022
[Abstract] [Fulltext]
Wave Height Transformation on the WCSP-DS Zigzag Model with and Without Wave Focused Wall
Wa Ode Zulia Prihatini, Muhammad Arsyad Thaha, Mukhsan Putra Hatta, Chairul Paotonan
Doctoral Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Associate Professor, Department of Marine Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, 2022
[Abstract] [Fulltext]