Budapest, Hungary
ISBN: 978-609-485-201-5
Date: 6th August 2021
Diamond Scientific Publishing
Category: Business, Management, and Economics
We are counting days till the 4th International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Economics. Taking place in Budapest, Hungary on the 06th-08th of August 2021, ICRBME is a premier academic conference that will address industry trends, identify common challenges, and facilitate engaging discussions.
Whether you are a scientist, a researcher, or another member of academia, we invite you to register for this conference. Submit your paper, apply to present, or join as a virtual presenter. This event is a must-attend, so don’t miss out!
Analysis of the Impact of Workload during the Pandemic of Covid-19 on Employee Burnout mediated by Workaholism and Work-Family Conflict
Ira Puspita Wardhani and Riani Rachmawati, SE. MA., Ph.D.
Universities Indonesia, Indonesia
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Economics, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Study the Role of Strategic Orientation and Marketing Activities on Business Performance (Case Study: Tabriz Furniture Manufacturers)
Masoume Barmaki
Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Economics, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Exploring the Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Methods of Trading the Investors of Melting Company’s Stokes
Masoumeh Barmaki
M.S. student, Department of Business, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Economics, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Enterprise Risk Management as a Pathway in Enhancing the Organization’s Performance and Efficacy: A Case Study of An Indonesian Public Service Organization
Dr. Franciskus Antonius Alijoyo
Faculty of Economics, Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Economics, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
The Key Essentials for AFCTA for Competitive Regional Value Chains
Thakaramahlaha Lehohla
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Economics, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
ICT and Trade Performances of Central and Eastern European Countrie
Dr. Tinatin Akhvlediani
Researcher at the Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Visiting Scholar and Lecturer at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, Poland
This study is carried out as a part of the project PRELUDIUM no. UMO-2016/23/N/HS4/03655 financed by National Science Centre of Poland
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Economics, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]