Proceedings of ‏The World Conference on Social Sciences Studies

Paris, France

ISBN: 978-609-485-135-3

Date: 26th March 2021

Diamond Scientific Publishing

Category: Social Sciences Studies

The World Conference on Social Sciences Studies is the academic event of the year. In the course of the four days of the event, the attendees will dive into the most pressing subjects of the field, exploring trends, engaging in roundtable discussions, meeting the world’s most renowned academics, and identifying ways to move existing research to new heights.

Feminism Representation in Kartini Movie 2017 (Semiotic Analysis Jhon Fiske)

Sonia Eka Lidyawati, Amin Aminudin
Proceedings of ‏The World Conference on Social Sciences Studies, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

Class and State: The Rise of State Racism through Nationalism

Antonio López
University of Deusto / PhD Researcher
Proceedings of ‏The World Conference on Social Sciences Studies, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]