Paris, France
ISBN: 978-609-485-067-7 pub
Date: 20th November 2020
Diamond Scientific Publishing
Category: Education, Teaching, and Learning
The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning will take place on November 20–22, 2020 in Paris, France. Bringing together academia, researchers, and scholars for three days of learning and networking, ICMETL 2020 is a must-attend event of the year. The program is designed to address the latest trends and common challenges in the field. Every presentation will feature unique insights into the most pressing topics, be it the role of technology in education, the cultural and geographical differences in approaches, the latest methodologies, and dozens of others.
Silent Role Play: A Preliminary Activity to Develop Effective Listening and Communication Skills among Advanced Engineering Students
Manas Moulic, Dr. Mojibur Rahman
Department of Language, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College, Rahara, India
Department of Humanities and Social Science, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, India
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Challenges of Implementing Montessori English Teaching Model in Saudi Arabian Elementary Schools
Waleed B. Al Abiky
Associate professor of Foreign Languages Education, Curriculum, and Instruction Department, College of Education, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Pedagogy, Learner Autonomy and Student Experience: A Case-Study using Oral History Methods
Alya Khan, Prof. John Gabriel
London Metropolitan University
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
A cross-sectional study on attitudes towards statistics in primary education students of Higher Education: prediction of variables through a multiple regression model
Francisco D. Guillén-Gámez, Marta Medina-García, Lina Higueras-Rodríguez
Department of Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education, Faculty of Education of Huesca, University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)
Department of Didactics and School Organization, Faculty of Education, University of Almería, 04120 Almería, Spain
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Understanding Students’ Silence in the EFL Classroom
Canterbury Christ Church University. England. UK
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Modus Operandi of Sv: Three Generic Rules to Tense and Aspects
Dr. Ramji Yadav, Nancy Yadav
(Ret.) B.M. University, Rohtak
Ph.D. scholar from B.R.Ambedkar University, Delhi (India)
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Improving intercultural relations through educational games
Lina Higueras-Rodríguez, and Marta Medina-García
Department of Education, University of Almería (Spain)
Department of Pedagogy, University of Jaen (Spain)
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Teachers’ knowledge of disability and inclusion: Keys to educational inclusion
Medina-García, Marta, Higueras-Rodríguez, María Lina
University of Jaén, Spain
University of Almería, Spain
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Student’s Perception toward the Virtual Textile Chemistry Laboratory in Learning Making Cellulose Based Regenerative Textile Fiber
Winwin Wiana, Cucu Ruhidawati
Fashion Education Study ProgramIndonesia University of Education (UPI)Dr. Setiabudhi Street No. 207 Bandung-Indonesia
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
A Student Review of Process Quality in Education: Teacher-Student Interactions and Language in Early Childhood Classrooms
Lisa D. Tafuro, Samatha Ferrara, and Kiley Cutichio
St. Joseph’s College of New York, USA
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Psychological Rebuilding as a Coping Strategy for Post COVID-19 Mental Health Problems in Nigeria
Dr. Olayinka M. AYANNUGA
Department of Educational Psychology, Federal College of Education (Technical), Akoka, Lagos State, Nigeria
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Education in rural areas: benefits enjoyed by the children in the rural areas and the issues faced by them, solutions for the same, and the teaching methodologies used in the class
Sai Shri Ramamurthy
Sree Venkateshwara Pre University College, Madiwala, Bengaluru
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Leadership discourses in educational settings: studying and improving them through participatory action research
Eleni Katsarou, Georgios Polizois, and Konstantinos Sipitanos
University of Crete
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Do Gender Moderate the Effect of Workplace Incivility on Job Related Outcomes?
Khatiba Akhter , Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam Asghar, Dr. Nazir Haider Shah
Ph.D. (Education) Scholar, Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, AJ&K (Pakistan)
Department of Education, Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, AJ&K (Pakistan)
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
The Spread of English among Saudis in the Era of Globalization: A Friend or a Foe?
Turki Alsolami, Nashwa Saaty
English Language Institute, Faculty of applied Studies, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
English Language Institute, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Teacher training systems in two countries (Finland and Morocco): Comparative study of professionalization models and their challenges
Moncef Barzane , Souakina Essalih ,Mustapha Ourahay,and Sallaheddine Khzami
Caddi ayyad, ENS, Pedagogy and didactic, Massira3t, Marrakesh, Morocco
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]