Improving intercultural relations through educational games

Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning

Year: 2020


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Improving intercultural relations through educational games

Lina Higueras-Rodríguez, and Marta Medina-García



Our society is undergoing rapid and intense changes that require educational innovations of a similar scale. If we focus on the game in the educational context, it becomes a highly effective pedagogical tool, because through it learning becomes more enjoyable. Social relations are also made more visible as direct and physical contact is used and this makes it possible to strengthen these relations. Therefore, the subject of the game can become of vital interest to educators and they can use it as a highly effective teaching tool. This research arises from the interest in knowing how play can intervene and enhance intercultural relations. To this end, the behaviour of a multicultural class was studied with the help of different techniques and instruments. First, a sociometric test was carried out to find out the degree of social relations in the classroom. Secondly, with the help of video and audio recordings, an estimation scale was made to analyse the behaviours that took place in the different spaces studied (Playground, English class and in Physical Education). In addition, an anecdotal record was used to collect more data. After the analysis of the results, it was concluded that there are statistically significant differences depending on the spaces that are compared with each other.

Keywords: Game, interculturality, didactic tool, innovation, integration.