Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Research in Teaching and Education
Year: 2023
English Language Learners’ Perceptions of Collaborative Vlog Projects: A Pilot Study
Melek Yolcu, Meryem Akcayoglu
Video Blogs (Vlogs), as a kind of authentic multimedia context, have gained popularity in higher education to engage students in active learning and enhance their digital literacy skills. This pilot study, part of an ongoing PhD study, aims to investigate the perceptions and experiences of English preparatory class students regarding the implementation of collaborative video blog projects. This qualitative pilot study was conducted at a state university in Turkiye. The data were collected from 10 volunteer students, in groups of five, who participated in and completed two collaborative vlog projects. This qualitative pilot study collected data from semi-structured face-to-face interviews, reflective journals, the researcher’s diary, and student artefacts to explore the participants’ perceptions and experiences about collaborative vlog projects. Thematic analysis was used to identify recurring patterns and themes in the participants’ perceptions. The study’s findings reveal that participants’ perceptions are positive toward collaborative vlog projects. The results also show that collaborative vlog projects positively affected participants’ attitudes toward English language oral production and reflection, 21st-century skills, digital literacy skills, and group collaboration. Furthermore, the project helped the learners enhance their motivation, self-confidence, and other subskills in language learning. These findings may motivate educators, instructors and teachers to integrate collaborative vlog projects as engaging, dynamic and effective tools in educational settings.
Keywords: collaboration, digital literacy, self-confidence , social-constructivism, video blog