Tutoring for The Completion of Studies in Udelar’s Workers

Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Research in Education, Teaching and Learning

Year: 2023



Tutoring for The Completion of Studies in Udelar’s Workers

Paula Enciso, Patricia Ramos, Dalton Rodríguez, Victoria Cesano



The Training and Formation Institute and the Management Pro-rectorate of the University of the Republic (Udelar) have among their tasks the promotion of educational actions towards the completion of secondary education of its employees. In a collaborative work between both institutions, a line of action was developed with several steps that allowed working adults to accredit their knowledge by taking the National Basic Secondary Education Accreditation Test. First of all, graduates from previous years of Udelar’s secondary graduation programs were selected and trained as peer tutors for new employees who aspire to complete their basic secondary education. This training allowed them to learn about the methodological and pedagogical aspects related to the education of working adults. After that, the tutors held several face-to-face and virtual meetings in different faculties to promote the registration of the test and to survey interested workers. From then on, university professors conducted workshops on reading comprehension, writing, and problem-solving toward the test. Throughout this process, from the initial talks until the test was taken, tutors were in contact with the students to guide, accompany and advise them. Thus, an educational community was created to encourage the completion of studies, with the tutors being references in their workplaces. This presentation will share the learning process carried out by all the actors involved.

keywords: adult education, collaborative work, educational community, secondary education, tutors