Teachers Performance and Transformational Leadership: A Perception Study

Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Business, Management and Economics

Year: 2022



Teachers Performance and Transformational Leadership: A Perception Study

Kavitha.K, Dr. Roohi Kursheed Khan.S, Dr. Shalini Prieya A. D. ,Maria Tresita Paul V., (PhD)



Education in a developing economy is significant as it helps in expanding the vision, outlook and creates a yearning to reach achievements, by helping the community fight the incapabilities and ignorance of the youth of the nation. In order to maintain and accomplish good education the teachers play a pivotal role in delivering proper knowledge to the students which is considered a central component in the success of education.  The Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) of the Education 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development focuses and supports the implementation and monitoring of the teachers as a target. The purpose of this study is to analyze the teachers’ perception towards transformational leadership and their performance. The hypotheses were framed and tested through a well-structured questionnaire and quantitative responses were obtained from the teachers. The simple random sampling technique was used to collect data from 123 teachers teaching at the Primary & Middle level across various schools in Bangalore. The Correlation & Anova test were used to understand the relationship and the significant differences between the dependent and independent variables. The expected results of this study will be: 1) The Teachers ‘performance is influenced by the Principals’ transformational leadership; 2) The Perception of Teachers on the role played by the Principal; and 3) The work targets and the workload set by the principal The study provides insights regarding the prominent role-played by the transformational leadership in influencing the performance of the teachers.  

keywords: Achievements, Principal, workload, work targets