Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Advanced Research in Education
Year: 2023
Reading Comprehension of Expository Texts through a Computer-Based Technology The Case of Intermediate Learners of English at the Centre of Intensive Teaching of Languages
Lina Sabbah
The present paper aims at exploring the multiple facets of deficiency in learners’ reading comprehension of expository texts. Then, it suggests the integration of videos and texts by means of a computer-based technology to evolve both the speed and the quality of understanding, with intermediate learners of English, at the Centre of Intensive Teaching of Languages, University of Bejaia. Accordingly, the issue of concern is how and to which extent the computer – based technology can contribute to the activation of an interactive process of bottom-up and top-down comprehension skills to shore up learners’ reading comprehebnsion skills in expository texts. Throughout this study, we have been interested in answering three further questions: What is the level (s) at which the contribution of the computer- based technology is more apparent: the comprehension rate, the micro-skills, or the macro-skills? What are the conditions that ensure the efficiency of this technology during reading comprehension sessions of expository texts? Are the results obtained sufficiently convincing to adopt the computer-based technology with intermediate learners of English? From our strong belief that multimedia technologies enhance the visual aspect of the language in question, we hypothesise that “Integrating videos by means of the computer technology to teach expository texts fosters intermediate learners’ comprehension skills”. In the light of this, we have opted for the experimental method, using an analytical, quantitative approach. The findings of this inquiry indicate that the computer –based technology is a significant contributory technique during reading sessions to promote intermediate learners’ comprehension skills. Its effects emerge typically at the levels of the time spent in comprehension as well as the macro-skills. Hence, we have reached the conclusion which has highlighted and contended the cause-effect relationship displayed in the aforesaid hypothesis. As a result, we strongly espouse teaching reading comprehension skills by means of the computer technology with intermediate learners of English.
keywords: comprehension rate, macro-skills, micro-skills, promote, videos