Teaching ESP post pandemics: a mixture between ubiquitous and F2F environments

Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning

Year: 2022



Teaching ESP post pandemics: a mixture between ubiquitous and F2F environments

Irina Ioana Bocianu



The transition from online courses towards Face-to-Face (F2F) teaching has left tutors with the belief that the integration of ubiquitous learning tools and strategies (U-learning) represents a good opportunity to advance the pedagogical process. Although online technology was present in academic life, the pandemics has shown the importance of technology and how adapting pedagogy to it can lead to better results. The present paper analyses the F2F and U-learning mix when teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and specialized vocabulary. The “anywhere” and “anytime” approach to learning has had a series of benefits which compliment onsite learning after the pandemics. The ability to have simplified access to the materials discussed during the seminars and to quickly test short bits of vocabulary or grammar knowledge is a great advantage for students. In this respect, the present study focuses on the means by which the educational process has evolved from the online classes during the pandemics and how this transition back to the F2F learning has had an impact on the way students learn. The focus was placed on the students enrolled in the faculties of Chemistry and Biology from the University of Bucharest and the results deriving from the two learning strategies specific to each environment with Twitter as a means of approaching technology during the teaching process accompanying onsite learning.

keywords: “anywhere” and “anytime” learning, online learning, onsite learning, specialized vocabulary, technology for education