- Nov 22, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 5th-icmetl
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2022
Student-driven hub; a work method that promotes student active learning in higher education
Astrid M. Sølvberg, Marit Rismark, Karoline Vollan Aune, Monika BergeM
In research literature, student activity is put forward as a main feature for learning. In accordance with this, there is a need to design work methods that enable students to take on active roles in learning environments. Traditional teacher-focused lectures have active teachers while the students have more passive roles. In an ongoing study at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), we explore how to design work methods that promote student active learning. A main assumption in the study is that teaching practice needs to change from content delivery to student active learning with students in key roles. To promote student active learning, we designed a work method, a Student-driven hub. This work method is developed in close collaboration between lecturers and students in a master’s program at NTNU. In a Student-driven hub students have key roles. They produce content to specific ends, and they self-organize their workflow. Qualitative data material was collected using semi-structured group interviews with students as they used the work method. Our findings show that students take on active roles using the work method Student-driven hub. In the hub, the students are the designers of content (1), students are the producers and users of content (2); students are the redesigners of content (3). Overall, the students were excited about the new learning opportunities. Our findings suggest that work methods that are designed in line with Student-driven hub, may contribute to student-active learning in higher education.
keywords: Student active learning, higher education, teaching and learning, work methods