- Nov 22, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 5th-icmetl
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2022
Schools in challenging contexts. Emerging lessons from a case study
Amelia Morales-Ocaña and María José Latorre-Medina
In the field of education, many studies point out that schools have the agency to transform their reality. This is the case of learning communities which despite being in challenging contexts, have been capable of coping with adversities. This study, framed within two bigger research projects about Professional learning communities[1], focuses on a school located in Spain that has shown an inner strength to transform a prior challenging context to another that looks towards learning quality and educational equity. In essence, the research developed adopts a single case study format, from a reflective biographical-narrative and dialogical perspective. The thematic analysis carried out from this case study has found a group of themes that allow us to understand how this school is led and organised. Results are related to the capacity of resilience that this school has developed to achieve the transformation they were looking for.
keywords: professional learning communities, resilience, school improvement, learning quality, educational equity, case of study