- Nov 22, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 5th-icmetl
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2022
The overview of School effectiveness research
Špela Javornik
School effectiveness research (SER) is concerning educational research and explore differences within and between schools and malleable factors that improve school performance (Goldstein, 1997; in Luyten, Visscher and Witzers, 2004). Schools have important “effects” on children and on their development, so “schools do make difference” (Reynolds and Creemers, 1990; in Sammons and Bakkum, 2011, pg. 10). SER studies seek to include factors as “gender, socio-economic status, mobility and fluency in the majority language used at school” in assessing the impact of schools (Sammons and Bakkum, 2011, pg. 11). At the area of school effectiveness research there is not yet clear enough which are the factors that influence the students’ achievement and what makes school effective. In this research the literature review was done in accordance with the PRISMA protocol (Page et al., 2021). The research was interested in several descriptors as school, effectiveness/efficiency theories, effectiveness/efficiency research and factors. Studies were reviewed thorough four databases: JSTOR, ERIC, SpringerLink and Sage OPEN. The paper defines several categories that exposed within school effectiveness research and within these categories various factors are listed that affect the students’ outcome and the defined effectiveness at school. This paper can be helpful to overview the area of school effectiveness research and in the future students can be given improved conditions to achieve better learning results.
keywords: School effectiveness, literature review, PRISMA, factors, students’ achievement