The Big Five Personality Traits among Adolescent Undergraduates in Business and Technology

Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Future of Teaching and Education

Year: 2022



The Big Five Personality Traits among Adolescent Undergraduates in Business and Technology

Janne Petteri Heilala



The study reports technology and business fields undergraduate adolescent (n = 76) personality traits using the Autotelic Personality Questionnaire (APQ). The aim is to evaluate APQ’s reliability and validity and discuss its results. Piloted outcomes provide a comforting fit for psychological coherence, invariance measurement, and test reliability.

Autotelic Personality (AP) is like a zodiac of star chart for positioning personality qualities.  High AP is promoting engagement and satisfaction in periodic liveliness. The recently validated AP instrument’s potential is the quintessential set for traversed features that facilitate perceptual flow in daily life.

Study variables tested reliability from the construct and composite validity. The data-driven in Factor Analysis (FA) with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed, in general, miserable Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) without altering the endogenous variables structures by eliminating weaknesses with modifications. Weaknesses indicated the most exciting discoveries, and the model was left for further analysis because it is factorizing barely successfully. Weaknesses are visible in the cross-tabulated correlation/covariate structure, in which each square rooted average variance extract surpasses comparable values for almost every correlating loading.

The research questions (RQs) are formed from the top levels and cover the treatment of psychometrics sub-concepts. The RQs are at what level, association, and context of the APQ, 7-core characters relate with existing AP framework model fit indices.

As empirical results for RQ 1 barometric examined mainly positively skewed sum variable relations for AP Meta-Skills: Curiosity (CU), Persistence (PE), Low Self-centeredness (LC), Intrinsic Motivation (IM), and Receptive-Active Model postulates sum of Enjoyment and transformation of Challenge (EC), neutrally perceived Enjoyment and transformation of Boredom (EB), and Attentional Control (AC).

That leaves us RQ 2 on the one hand. The confidence interval comparison of CU, PE, LC, IM, EC, EB, and AC shows meaningful, proprietary correlations (β >= .2) for AP sum, leaving the research hypotheses valid due to connections.

On the other hand, RQ 3 addresses the discriminant validity by squaring correlation loadings, similarly as initialized for AVE thematics. Each factor R-square considers discriminant validity issues because four out of seven (4/7) elements of AP sum correlate more highly with variables outside the parent factor than with the parent factor.

The study discriminates the weak latent variables for RQ 3 by which AVE is obtained over (> .5). The sieved latent variables are finally considered and elaborated on the problem areas of cause-and-effect relationships and solutions.

The study is seeking resolution for CU, LC, EC, and AC biases. Positive evidence for idealized PE, IM, and EB results in recommendation changing pedagogical practice.

keywords: autotelic personality, big five, linear regression, factor analysis, structural equation.