The Effect of Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM) On Organizational Effectiveness through Employee’s Personal Traits An Applied Study on an EPC Company

Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Business, Management and Economics

Year: 2021


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The Effect of Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM) On Organizational Effectiveness through Employee’s Personal Traits An Applied Study on an EPC Company

Susy Friedrich, Mohamed Wahba



This study aimed at investigating the effect of Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM) on Organizational Effectiveness through the Employees Personal Traits as mediator.
For the purpose of the Study a Questionnaire was adopted based on previous studies. The questionnaire was close-ended questions and respondents were asked to rank their agreement with the statements indicated through 5-Likert scale to measure the Study variables; E-HRM (E-Recruitment and E-Selection, E-Training and E-Development, E-Performance Appraisal, E-Compensation), Organization Effectiveness and Employees’ Personal Traits with a second questionnaire to determine to which personal traits each employee belongs to. Respondents represent employees of an EPC Company in Egypt using the Oracle applied in the HRM system. The population size of the company is 740 employees and accordingly 450 questionnaires are to be distributed randomly in the EPC Company. The questionnaires collected back were 372 and were used in the statistical analysis of the Study.
As per the statistical analysis it has been proved that E-HRM has a significant statistical impact on organizational effectiveness, also employees’ personal traits mediate the relationship between Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM) & organizational effectiveness.

Keywords: E-HRM, Organizational Effectiveness, Employees’ Personal Traits.