Social, Economic and Environmental Aspects of Post-Industrial Areas in Wałbrzych Region

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Future of Social Sciences and Humanities

Year: 2023



Social, Economic and Environmental Aspects of Post-Industrial Areas in Wałbrzych Region

Prof. Dr. Beata Raszka, Maria Hełdak




The main purpose of the research is to identify the region’s potential in terms of social, economic and environmental issues. The following problem question was, among others, formulated in the study: Which development direction should be taken by the individual municipali-ties in the Wałbrzych County? and: What is the current social, economic and environmental potential of the Wałbrzych County? The research was carried out using the multidimensional analysis method and the similarity of municipal potential was also analysed, taking into account the comparisons of the distances between individual diagnostic variables. The respective comparisons were carried out in the years 2002-2004 and 2016-2018.
In the analysed municipalities of the Wałbrzych County, special care should be taken to improve the living conditions of the residents (to strengthen the economic and social potential). The crucial element is opening new jobs, the provi-sion of appropriate living conditions and services to allow taking up employment despite caring for children, as well as a diverse sports and tourist offer.

keywords: environmental potential, development potential, social potential, municipal development indicators, Wałbrzych region