Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Future of Social Sciences and Humanities
Year: 2023
An Investigation into Reality: The Case of The Writer-Demiurge Carlo Emilio Gadda
Dr. Christine Samir Girgis
This study analyzes the conception of the world and the chaos that reigns in the work of the writer Carlo Emilio Gadda, in the dark years of fascism in Italy. The purpose of this article is to identify the concept of order and disorder, used as a cognitive method of reality by the writer, recalling a parallelism between these themes and the myth of the Demiurge, as shaper of the cosmos.
The narrative work of the Italian writer, in fact, presents a cognitive and creative process at the base as it has the purpose of knowing reality in order to be able to represent it in a literary work. This process requires a basic operation that aspires to order, that is, he approaches disorder to try to make order and explain reality, exactly like the Demiurge merges indefinite primordial matter on the model of the world of Ideas in order to shape a cosmos where order reigns.
Therefore, it is at this junction that the work of Platonic demiurge and that of the Italian writer appears: both arrive at a complete work, at that work of art, the poiesis of poieta, and it is then that one tries to understand the reasons and to rediscover the connections that dominate the tangle of things that underlies Gaddian world.
keywords: Demiurge, cosmos, order, disorder, tangle, work