- Aug 1, 2023
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 5th-etconf
Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Education and Teaching
Year: 2023
Academic Integrity in HEIs an Indicator for Institutional Excellence: Challenges and Opportunities
Henry Jonathan Karyamsetty, Hesham Magd and Mohammad Ansari
The largest obstacle and challenge to creating a sustainable educational system in society is addressing academic dishonesty. Before COVID-19, academic dishonesty was limited in scope, but the pandemic has invariably led higher educational institutions to think about academic dishonesty more seriously. This study is conducted to understand the significance of academic integrity towards institutional excellence and to pinpoint the challenges and opportunities that the COVID pandemic has caused higher educational institutions in maintaining academic integrity. Responses were received from more than 700 participants representing more than 20 higher educational institutions in Oman. The results show that the majority of the institutions have affiliation with international institutions with having set up technological methods to identify academic offenses that are accessible to both students and teachers, such as Turnitin, peer review, rewriting course syllabi, etc. regularly to ensure academic offenses are not tolerated. According to the analysis, maintaining academic integrity is the primary duty that may maintain quality in educational institutions. Failure to prevent academic offenses will also tend to lower institution quality and prevent the use of appropriate tools for assessing student performance. Assignments, reports, and exams are where students most frequently engage in academic dishonesty. To solve the problem, HEIs should implement strategic measures, such as the stringent application of policies and procedures to deter academic offenses.
keywords: Integrity, academic, excellence, education, offence