Classroom Climate and Critical Thinking Skills of Grades 7 and 8 Students in Philippine Private Schools: An Input to Enhance Instruction

Proceedings of The 4th World Conference on Teaching and Education

Year: 2022



Classroom Climate and Critical Thinking Skills of Grades 7 and 8 Students in Philippine Private Schools: An Input to Enhance Instruction

Dr. Asuncion D. Lecaros



The purpose of the study was to determine the level of classroom climate established in Schools A and B. The study revealed that the promotion of positive classroom climate was an effective tool that may enhance the daily teaching-learning instruction, where incorporation of critical thinking to curriculum implementation can be initiated and mandated.
This study used descriptive survey that was suitable to classroom climate and critical thinking skills as variables of this study. The primary data gathered were collected, recorded, tallied, analyzed and were given appropriate statistical treatment, which showed if there was a direct relationship to classroom climate and critical thinking skills’ development of learners.
There were two sources of data; 1) self-assessment survey questionnaires on critical thinking skills and on classroom climate given to student-respondents and 2) the learning objectives of lesson plans, which determined the level of thinking in English, Science, Social Studies, and Math. Periodical examinations were also assessed. Item analysis determined the levels of proficiency of each exam in every core subject.
It was found out that promotion of positive classroom climate was a very essential tool wherein expected learning outcome, such as development of critical skills of K to 12 learners, can be instilled to the students. Critical thinking skill is an important attribute of 21st century learners that may equip young graduates upon immersion to the various industries.

keywords:  psychological, physical and social dimensions, cognitive learning domains