- Dec 16, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-wcfeducation
Proceedings of The 4th World Conference on Future of Education
Year: 2021
Online education challenges for Romanian undergraduate students during COVID-19 pandemic
Marius Rogobete, Mona-Luciana Gălăţanu, Sergiu Eftimie and Valeria Negovan
The COVID-19 pandemic has abruptly forced universities worldwide to close their campuses and move their educational activities to online platforms, which produced several challenges for institutions, teachers, and students that need to be thoroughly explored. The present research aims to identify the perceptions, opinions, and feelings of undergraduate students from a university in Romania (Bucharest) on several aspects of online education during the current pandemic as well as differences in these views depending on the study programs: Pharmacy, Informatics (full-time), Informatics (distance-education). The method we used to explore in online learning during the restricted period was a survey with a single choice answer about different aspects of how to who perceive distance education and their experience in this period. The results highlight issues recommended focusing on infrastructure problems and adequate equipment, better management of interactions in the online environment, the importance of taking into account students’ social contacts, and mental health.
keywords: devices; questionnaire; student’s perceptions; student’s relationships; time management.