- Feb 13, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-ntteconf
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on New Trends in Teaching and Education
Year: 2022
Challenges of online teaching. Boundaries between public and private communication
Gina Aurora Necula
The academic program Preparatory Year for learning Romanian as a foreign language for the further professional development of students is essential for the language acquisitions they must acquire, but also for the development of intercultural communication skills so necessary for their integration into a new environment social, cultural, linguistic. Thus, it is very important that the teaching activities take place face to face in order to optimally develop the student, to make him feel an integral part of a group and to help him to overcome the cultural shock caused by the interaction with people from different continents, diverse ethnic groups and religions. Current contexts have made education to be carried out sometimes exclusively online or alternating between face-to-face and virtual courses and, last but not least, in hybrid format. This paper aims to highlight the methods, the tools used in teaching by teachers to deal with the challenges mentioned, especially when the subject of study is a foreign language that must be assimilated quickly by some students to whom the Latin alphabet is not even familiar.
keywords: cultural; ethnic; hybrid; linguistic; study.