Affinity of The Y Generation towards impulsive Buying

Proceedings of ‏The 4th International Conference on Research in Management and Economics

Year: 2021


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Affinity of The Y Generation towards impulsive Buying

Aleksandar Djordjević,and Aleksandar Jakšić



Impulsive buying, which has inevitably become part of our everyday life, represents an unplanned spending with aim to ensure the satisfaction of modern consumers. The act of impulsiveness depends on the individual and starts from pure impulsiveness (e.g. buying a new products) to the planned purchase of a certain category (but not a brand). In addition, impulsive purchase, like any other purchase, requires the existence of an unsatisfied need or desire that creates tension and an urge to behave. The goal of unplanned consumption is, with the existence of positive mood and excitement, satisfying this need and reducing tension. Through the act of impulsive buying, the whole motivation process in consumer awareness can be modeled, which is the fastest in this case. If the consumers are the members of the Y generation then this process is further enhanced by their main character traits, which can be encompassed in prioritizing personal goals and ambitions. Because of this, the behavior and psychological frame of Y generation are significantly complementary to the characteristics of impulsive buying, and in the marketing sense this generation is targeted as a specific market segment that requires a genuine marketing approach.

Keywords: Impulsive buying, consumer, Y generation, buying process.