- Sep 9, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-ictle
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education
Year: 2021
The Perception of the Students Toward English as an International Language (A Case of Mwakaleli, Luteba, Mwatisi and Isange Secondary Schools in Busokelo District, Mbeya Region- Tanzania)
Jackson Julius Kamugisha
This presentation aims at speculating the inner perceptions of the students toward English as an International language. English language has a promising outlook to the students and the nations as well. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to identify whether the students understand what it means by an International language. To figure out the perception of the students toward English as an International language and lastly to determine strategies which can be used to make the students grasp position of English language in World as an International language. More over the design of this study is quantitative in nature i.e. descriptive and inferential as well. Thus, an adapted questionnaire was employed as a measuring instrument. The participants were required to answer all the items of the questionnaire honestly, giving their own perceptions about their attitudes toward English language as an International language in terms of the emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspect. The most regarded group in this study were the public Secondary school students which also included some few appointed sampling technique to select teachers and villagers. Furthermore in collecting students’ perceptions random sampling technique was also used to select students of secondary schools who are found in Busokelo district. The researcher used Gregory’s theory of Perception as one among the Constructivist theories in his study.
The questionnaires were used to collect data from the students while interview technique was used to gather data from the villagers and other educational stake holders.
The results show that the students and other education stake holders understand or have a positive perception of English as an International language. The challenges which make students to ignore English language are such as, most of the teachers are using Kiswahili in teaching subjects which are supposed to be instructed by using English language. Teachers, their fellow students, and the society use Kiswahili or vernaculars mostly in communication, and other related challenges explained in the research paper.
Regardless the position, rank, education, and economic status everybody should advocate the use of English language wherever he or she is. Also the government should create a friendly environment to teachers and students so that teaching and learning English language can take place easily and comfortably, by providing necessary incentives which include motivating them.
keywords: Perception, English language, International language, students, public secondary schools, teachers, stake holders.