Maintaining Social Order through Beliefs: A Focused Study of Islamic Belief System

Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts

Year: 2023



Maintaining Social Order through Beliefs: A Focused Study of Islamic Belief System

Zia Ul Haq




This paper presents a focused study on the role of Islamic beliefs in maintaining social order. Through a review of relevant literature and an analysis of key theories and concepts, this study examines how the principles of the articles of Islamic faith serve as guidelines for personal behavior and interactions within Muslim communities. The emphasis on obedience to God and the importance of community in Islam also encourages individuals to act in the collective interest and maintain social harmony. Additionally, the Islamic law or sharia provides a system of rules and principles for resolving disputes and regulating social behavior. The study employ a comprehensive document analysis methodology and literature review to look into the Islamic articles of faith and relate them with key theories and concepts and their practical application in maintaining social order within Muslim communities. This paper aims to provide a deeper understanding of the role of Islamic beliefs in promoting and maintaining social order.

keywords: Islamic beliefs, social order, Tawheed, Muslim communities