- Apr 19, 2023
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-icsha
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Year: 2023
The Role of Remittances and Youth Unemployment Rates in University Enrollment: Evidence from Post-Soviet States
Julieta Matevosyan
This paper aims to clarify the effect of remittances and youth unemployment rates on the financial capability and motivation of Former Soviet Union (FSU) students to enroll in local universities. It particularly focuses on ten FSU countries that are all characterized by high youth unemployment and dependence upon external financing such as remittances. Using annual data for the period of 2002-19, a hypothesized model has been tested. The results suggest that remittances have a strong positive impact on the university enrollment rates in the selected countries. In addition, youth unemployment has a negative relationship with university enrollment rates acting as an impeding factor towards pursuing tertiary education during times of economic hardship.
keywords: Post-Soviet region, Tertiary education, Foreign Remittances, Youth unemployment, Multicollinearity