Illegal Immigration: Causes, Consequences and Solutions

Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Social Sciences in the 21st Century

Year: 2022



Illegal Immigration: Causes, Consequences and Solutions

Banidja Ngalaken Cynthia Sorelle



In September 2014, a boat wrecked with more than 500 migrants on board off the coast of Malta.  In January 2015, nearly 400 migrants were rescued at the last minute from the sinking by the Italian navy.  Every month, every week even, the newspapers echo abandoned boats with hundreds of emigrants on board or people rescued, too often dead, off the Italian coast.  On September 2, 2015, the world discovers the photograph of little Aylan, 3, found dead on a Turkish beach while trying to reach Europe with his family.  Public opinion and European heads of state then became aware of the extent of the tragedy at play, particularly in Syria, which was in the grip of a civil war.  The causes are multiple and multifaceted: economic, political, natural, institutional, educational, psychological, voluntary, diplomatic, business and meeting.  Conflicts, wars, popular uprisings, coups d’etat, terrorism, the consequences of climate change, lack of good citizenship, intolerance, racism, xenophobia, modern slavery: human and commercial trafficking  , forced marriage, child labor, slavery under contract and are the consequences to solve this phenomenon It is about creating employment opportunities for young people, without discrimination, fighting against discrimination related to gender, status  migration, promote peace, an inclusive society, promote access to justice for all with the creation of institutions at all levels, promote a policy of equal distribution of resources and promote assistance programs for vulnerable migrants with a  data revolution and their identities The global partnership must aim to fight poverty in all its forms and everywhere, eliminate hunger and malnutrition, prevent disasters  natural resources, reduce inequalities within and between nations and combat climate change.The Marshall Plan and the Compact with Africa of Germany and the European Union can permanently solve the migration problem with the development of  inclusion, protection and assistance to vulnerable groups and migrants.In addition, Investments in infrastructure that create decent jobs can block international migration.Governments must then take responsibility for accelerating the implementation and  the realization of the SDGs in local communities with education of young people on the SDGs, the fight against racism and xenophobia and the domestication of United Nations conventions for the promotion of human rights.

keywords: Immigration – Human rights – Fighting – Emigants – United Nations.