- Apr 17, 2023
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-icnmbe
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on New Trends in Management, Business and Economics
Year: 2023
Business IT Alignment – Status Quo on a Survey amongst Top It Managers (CIO) N the DACH Region: A Replication Study
Bjarne Erik Roscher
This research-in-progress paper describes how Companies and especially IT Organizations manage the Business-IT-Alignment between the Management including its Top Management Team and the Chief Information Officer (CIO). This is necessary as near to all companies are part of the VUCA world where volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity drive the constant adaption of Business strategy, business models, and Technology to stay either ahead of the competition or at least be able to compete head to head with the other market players. The CIO whose Role more and more is described as an executive one, rather than an operative one, needs to drive this process actively.
The Scope of this research are bigger companies in the German-speaking DACH (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) region from all industries. Excluded from the survey were state agencies. As the survey was purposely only offered in German language, a referral to other countries has been prevented.
Purpose: To give interested practitioners and researchers an overview over the status quo. Additionally the outcome will be used to design research models for further analysis.
Methodology: Based on data acquired in an online survey in the German-speaking DACH region, methods of descriptive statistics have been used to visualize the nature of the results.
Results: This paper gives a structured overview of key figures regarding IT Organization’s setup, CIO’s strategic work, and Business-IT-Alignment.
keywords: Chief Information Officer, IT Organization, Business IT Alignment, IT Strategy