Towards A Life Ethics: A Bet for A Biocentric Assesment, An Ecological Rationality and an Affirmative Existence Stance

Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Modern Research in Social Sciences

Year: 2021


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Towards A Life Ethics: A Bet for A Biocentric Assesment, An Ecological Rationality and an Affirmative Existence Stance

Nathalia Martínez Mora



This article presents theoretical and methodological discussions about the Nature-Humans relationship based on the perspectives of Nonviolence, Eco-socialism, and Deep Ecology as a result of the development of the first phase of the research “Insights about the construction and deconstruction of imaginaries and dualistic cultural practices of reality in patriarchal Western societies”[1]. This study aimed for the visibilization and generation of cultural transformations for the peace construction from a non-violence perspective, which encourages problematizing legitimate social values that are based on a dualistic logic that describes our modern Western societies. In this way, in this first phase, the research team was designed as a central purpose to build the theoretical references and the methodological route guiding the process of collecting and analyzing information about those imaginaries and cultural practices that naturalize and preserve this logic, which will be developed in a second stage.

[1] The research is comprised within the project “Cultural transformations in peace and Nonviolence logic, citizenship resistance and development alternatives within the Colombian post-conflict” held by the master’s degree program in Peace, Development and Citizenship from Minuto de Dios Virtual and Distance University. The research problematizes the dualist logic that resides within the imaginaries and social practices, specifically the dualities that comprehend good and bad, feminine and masculine, friends and enemies relationships, and humans-nature link due the fact that they’re considered the dualities that define the social relationship we build with others and with what is alive in general in our present contexts.

Keywords: Nature-Humanity relationship; No violence; Eco socialism; deep ecology.