Development of Competency Analysis System for Sewing Operators in Clothing Industry

Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Modern Research in Engineering, Technology and Science

Year: 2021


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Development of Competency Analysis System for Sewing Operators in Clothing Industry

Mehmet Küçük and Şafak Birol



As it is known, the ultimate goal of clothing industries is to produce and deliver products at the desired quality level by the customers. While this situation is being realized, the sustainability of the companies needs to use the resources at the optimum level. The human factor is at the top of the companies’ resources, and it is aimed that the operators will actively participate in the production processes. Within the scope of the “line balancing” method, which is one of the traditional production management techniques, the number of employees, working time, and standard time of each process are taken into consideration. However, it is obvious that a new kind of process management system should be developed and different variables should be put into effect in the clothing environment whose dynamics change rapidly, has a lot of product variety, and each step is dependent on people. Within the scope of this study, it is aimed to create an “operator competence analysis” consisting of various sub-criteria for the clothing industry. In this way, it is thought that a production that is more compatible with customer requests (quality, deadline, etc.) will be achieved by improving the operators and determining the appropriate operator in a very short period of time. It is aimed to develop an objective analysis and evaluation system in this study. The suitability of the sewing operators, who are the main actors of productivity in sewing enterprises, has been handled multidimensionally as an alternative to existing methods. In today’s conditions, where production quantities depending on the model are decreasing rapidly, a 15% reduction in model setup times has been achieved at the TYH İzmir branch, where this operator competence system developed for production lines that need to be much more agile and flexible. With this study, it is thought that a Competency Analysis System (CAS) that is much more suitable for the realities of the ready-made clothing industry, which is one of the sectors where labor-intensive production is most intense, has been gained.

Keywords: Clothing technologies, sewing line management, operation planning, line balancing, operator competency analysis.