- Sep 15, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-icfss
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Future of Social Sciences
Year: 2021
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/4th.icfss.2021.09.95
City Maps; Contributions to Social Work for a Territorial Analysis from Critical Geography
Lia Esther Lemus Gómez
The construction of an alternative city different from that imposed by the neoliberal model, passes through the recognition that the subjects make of the territory their memories and imaginaries in relation to it in order to be able to analyze social reality and generate transformative actions conditions of social injustice, which for the social work program is fundamental in the development of training processes with its students so that they are Committed to social change, as an essential ethical-political option for the construction of the collective fabric .
The practice of social work from a critical perspective proposes to face the situations of injustice and social and economic inequality within the capitalist mode of production, thus, globalization and neoliberalism are a challenge for the social worker since he or she must investigate on the way of life of social actors, reconstructing the meaning of their practices and unveiling the meanings of the experiences present in their daily lives to contribute to change. (Falla, 2014 p. 84). As well as respect for the communities, their territory, their knowledge and their environment.
This new context requires the professional in the area to carry out an accurate analysis of contemporary urban problems, for this the research process here socialized proposed the implementation of georeferencing strategies of phenomena to strengthen professional training processes through social cartography as A strategy that establishes an emancipatory interest as a horizon in line with the universal declaration of bioethics where the production of knowledge must “evaluate social realities and achieve equity” (UNESCO, 2008).
keywords: cartography, social work, georeferencing, social, urban phenomenon, neoliberalism.