- Aug 3, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 4th-icarste
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Academic Research in Science, Technology and Engineering
Year: 2021
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/4th.icarste.2021.08.40
Optimization of the EDM Parameters on the Surface Roughness of DIN 1.2767 Tool Steel Using Taguchi Method
Abubaker Yousef Fatatit and Ali Kalyon
Manufacturing processes affect surface properties, as a result, they significantly affect the component lifetime. In Electric Discharge Machining (EDM), the component surface is subject to high localized thermal energy that produces changes in surface quality such as surface hardness, roughness, surface crack density and white layer thickness. In the present paper, Taguchi method and ANOVA has been implemented to obtain the optimal EDM process parameters affecting on DIN 1.2767 tool steel surface. The process parameters were electrode materials (B2, NSS), discharge current (6, 12 and 25 A), pulse on time (50, 200 and 800 µs) and pulse off time (50, 200 and 800 µs). From the results, it was found that the discharge current has the highest influence on surface roughness followed by pulse on time and the influence of electrode material and pulse off time were insignificant. The optimal surface finish can be achieved at low discharge current and long pulse on time and pulse off time and utilize B2 electrode. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images revealed the alterations in the surface roughness and surface crack density.
Keywords: EDM, Taguchi, steel, NSS, B2, Surface roughness.