- Sep 3, 2020
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 3rd-imeconf
Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Research in Management and Economics
Year: 2020
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/3rd.imeconf.2020.09.198
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Price Promotions
Ella Song
This paper looks at the effectiveness of price promotions on Amazon by considering the effect that they have on the sales rank of the promoted product. It also examines the link between the size and frequency of the price promotions. The paper uses data on 1,000 top-selling products from the ‘shoes’ category. It reaches three main conclusions. First, sales promotions improve a product’s sales rank, and the larger the sales promotion, the larger this improvement is. Second, the effects of the sales promotion tend to be permanent, i.e. the sales rank remains lower 30 days after the sales promotion takes place. Third, the frequency of the sales promotions is inversely related with their sizes.
Keywords: Amazon; Economics; Retailing; Pricing strategy.