The Methodological Value of Cultural Communication in the Process of Social Diagnosis

Proceedings of ‏The 3rd International Conference on Social Science, Humanities and Education

Year: 2020


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The Methodological Value of Cultural Communication in the Process of Social Diagnosis

Ricardo Ferreira de Almeida, Joana Brinca, Ana Branca Carvalho and Nídia Menezes



Social diagnosis is an instrument underlying social intervention. Considering that the actions on the collectives are not done in isolation of the theoretical and practical issues they raise, methodological tools that allow the recognition of problems, their evaluation and the indication of clues of action should be found. Among these tools, we point out the communicative process. It is he who puts common problems in the focus of discussion, generates moments of consciousness, suppresses alienation, promotes discussion and facilitates dialectical return of problems. Thus, the practice of participatory research enriches the Social Worker and the citizen interested in being implicated and co-responsible in the task of transforming reality. Moreover, and taking into principle the various worlds of culture (popular culture, migrant culture, culture in transition, the culture of the elderly, among others), it is necessary to train the Social Worker for openness, understanding and translation of different cognitive maps.

Keywords: cultural communication, sociology, social work, methodology, social diagnosis.