- Mar 8, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 3rd-icrset
Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
Year: 2021
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/3rd.icrset.2021.03.200
Modelling and Simulation Applied to Gluten-Free Craft Beer: Case Study of a Manufacturing Process
Junio Henrique Almeida Beatriz, Juliana Cristina Honorato, Emanuelle Mayara da Cunha, Flávio Ramon Silva de Souza, Giovana Gomes da Silva Beliene Vila, Isabella de Oliveira Pereira, Isadora Rodrigues de Oliveira, Mariana Alves dos Anjos, Núbia Cristina Fraga de Carvalho Gomes, Mário Victor dos Reis, Luiz Melk de Carvalho, Flávio Henrique Batista de Souza
Beer is one of the most consumed products on the planet (even in the pandemic scenario by COVID-19). The manufacture of craft beers corresponds to an interesting sector for the economy of any country. However, this does not exempt anyone from going through complicated situations, such as what happened at the Backer brewery and its product contamination process. So, this paper aims to demonstrate the implementation of a discrete event modeling and simulation process, based on stochastic timed petri nets (STPN) for a gluten-free craft beer manufacturing process. The developed tool was submitted to uniform and exponential distribution functions. Its operation was weighted by a real manufacturing process for the specific type of beer evaluated. The simulator demonstrated the ability to abstract all the stages of product manufacture. In addition, the tool was able to understand both distribution functions that the manufacturing process can assume, through a literature tool, STPN. This process can be applicable in small entrepreneurs., which sometimes cannot afford (or do not understand how it works) simulation software.
Keywords: craft beer, stochastic timed petri nets, modelling and simulation, gluten-free, small business.