- Mar 24, 2023
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 3rd-icrpconf
Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Research in Psychology
Year: 2023
Digital Storytelling Products (DSP) – Intervention to Increase Generativity amongst Malaysian Educators in Middle or Late Adulthood
Yumitra A Kannan
This research proposed a novel intervention – Digital Storytelling Products (DSP) – to increase Generativity levels amongst a population of Malaysian educators in middle or late adulthood (i.e., ages 40 and above). The intervention combined culturally and historically established practice of storytelling with advancements in technology and social media to create an opportunity for intergenerational transfer of knowledge where older adults reminisce on their lives and share key lessons with the younger generation. Unlike other interventions, DSP requires minimal physical effort, exertion and commitment, thus making it more accessible to a larger ratio of the older adults population who may have limited mobility, functioning, time, proficiency or access. DSP has also overcome geographical restrictions using technology and is the first generativity intervention to be studied in an Asian context. The research’s sample consisted of 37 Malaysian educators from various levels of the education sector who were predominantly female and Indian and were randomly assigned to either the control or treatment groups. The quasi-experimental, pre and post-test design demonstrated a statistically significant increase in generativity scores on the Loyola Generativity Scale (LGS) (McAdams & St Aubin, 1992) for the treatment group participants and a statistically significant decrease in generativity scores for the control group participants using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. By contributing to a severely deficient field of literature and proposing a workable intervention, this research addressed several research gaps, spearheaded a notable progress on the topic and opened up countless opportunities for future studies.
keywords: Generativity, Intervention, Storytelling, Erik Erikson, Gerontology