Re-examining Exorcism: Modern Minds re-structured A Cross Cultural Analysis

Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Research in Psychology

Year: 2023



Re-examining Exorcism: Modern Minds re-structured A Cross Cultural Analysis

Ali H. Al-Hakim




Within Islamic sacred texts, one is familiar with the technical term: ‘Djinn’! They are known to be of unknown invisible existence, albeit distinguished from demons. Within Medieval theological studies, Djinns are studied under ‘Demonology’. Thus, they are naturally considered equal to demons; while the Qur’anic Worldview, has considered ‘Djinns’ to be normal invisible creations, which are not necessarily evil. Therefore I insist that a new holistic approach must be thoroughly worked that may include all invisible elements!

Apart from a few psychiatrists (Spirit Release Foundation and Dr. Alan Sanderson), psychology experts have rarely discussed the inter-action with and between human psyches and those Invisible Elements. Our Cases for study are usually those which are diagnosed ‘Altered Conscious State’ (ACS)! In his book: ‘The Exorcism of Anneliese, Felicitas D. Goodman used another term, namely: RACS! It is illogical to use the term ‘Religious Altered Conscious State’ (RACS) to describe the case of Anneliese Michel. Genuine, correct and ethical teachings prevent this kind of mental illness. Only deviated ethical and misleading religious teachings may lead to so-called (RACS). Therefore one –fundamentally- prefers calling similar cases: Pseudo-religious Altered Conscious State (PrACS). This shall pave the way for -wisely and objectively- discussing Exorcism in the light of post-modernism philosophical approaches! We conclude that there are a great proportion of inconsistent claims about the N.I.E (negative invisible entity), however one can never support the grassroots claims about their horrible capabilities to invade innocents, let alone to speak about the exorcism. They stand in direct collision with the Qur’anic and Islamic philosophy epistemic teachings!

keywords: abnormal psychology, Cultural Psychology, Exorcism, possession, Djinn