Creating Ecosystem Value Proposition Based On Selling Solutions in the Post-Covid-19 Digital Economy

Proceedings of ‏The 3rd International Conference on Business, Management and Finance

Year: 2021


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Creating Ecosystem Value Proposition Based On Selling Solutions in the Post-Covid-19 Digital Economy

Anton Borisovich Georgievsky



The coronavirus pandemic and the rapid development of digital technologies are creating many opportunities to form a complete value proposition. The purpose of this study is to identify the components and strategies for creating an ecosystem value proposition based on selling solutions in the post-coronavirus digital economy. The methodology comprises three steps. First, a meta-analysis of academic and consulting literature on a value proposition was used to form the components of a value proposition. Then, a literature analysis on a value proposition, selling solutions and ecosystems was used to determine the components and strategies for creating an ecosystem value proposition based on selling solutions. Finally, the proposed components and strategies were considered taking into account the opportunities of the post-coronavirus digital economy. As a result of the study, the components of a value proposition are classified on the basis of organizational, relational, client approaches and according to the degree of universality. Four groups of the components of an ecosystem value proposition based on selling solutions are formed, and three strategies for its formation are proposed. The components and strategies are considered in the post-coronavirus digital economy. The findings will help researchers build new value proposition models and practitioners create a competitive value proposition, improve organizational performance and customer satisfaction in the post-coronavirus digital economy.

Keywords: components; coronavirus; digitalization; strategies; value creation.