Learning Conditions Investigation of Local Content Mekongga Language in Kolaka Regency

Proceedings of The 3rd Global Conference on Education and Teaching

Year: 2022



Learning Conditions Investigation of Local Content Mekongga Language in Kolaka Regency

Kadaruddin, Yusring Sanusi Baso, Gusnawaty, Munira Hasjim



The word mekongga comes from the name of a kind of giant bird that is believed by the people of Kolaka as a nuisance to the peace of the local population, even the bird not only preys on livestock but can also prey on humans. The Mekongga tribe in carrying out their activities always uses the Mekongga language which functions as a communication tool in everyday life, especially in the people of Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The research question is “What is the condition of learning the Mekongga language? Meanwhile, the purpose of this study was to determine the conditions of learning the Mekongga language. The result of this study is expected to be useful in developing an effective and efficient Mekongga language learning model. The design of this research is descriptive qualitative. The data source is the Mekongga language teacher. Data collection is done through observation and interviews. The results of this study found that the average Mekongga language teacher in Kolaka Regency was still using conventional learning models which resulted in low students’ motivation to learn Mekongga language. To overcome this problem, a learning model based on Learning Management System (LMS) is needed. Utilizing the LMS-based Mekongga language learning model, will make it easier for teachers to manage learning both in the management of learning administration and in the implementation of the learning process so that Mekongga language learning will take place effectively, efficiently, fun, not boring, and successful.

keywords: Kolaka, Learning management System, learning model, Mekongga.