Mobile-Assisted Language Learning to Enhance College Learners’ Learning Attitudes

Proceedings of ‏The 2nd World Conference on Research in Teaching and Education

Year: 2020


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Mobile-Assisted Language Learning to Enhance College Learners’ Learning Attitudes

Prof. Dr. Pei-Ling Yang



Mobile-assisted language learning have received more and more popularity across all levels of education.  More and more EFL learners have accepted technology-enhanced language learning.  Following this educational technology trend, this present study aims to enhance technological college learners’ English vocabulary and collocation learning with the applications of mobile clickers.  Mobile clickers are applied to an EFL college classroom for the purpose of gamifying the learning dynamics through question-and-answer activities.  Among dozens of clickers, Kahoot! is selected as the target tool due to its easy-to-use functions, world-wide popularity and free registration.  The study involved two classes of participants joining in this Kahoot!-assisted English learning.  The collected data included the participants’ background and their attitudes towards English learning.  This study results provided evidence to support that clickers or Kahoot! may play an influencing role to make the learners have more positive attitudes towards or perceptions of English learning.

Keywords: mobile-assisted language learning, Kahoot!, attitudes, EFL learners.