Synergy in Methods of Teaching: Segregation Versus Integration

Proceedings of ‏The 2nd World Conference on Teaching and Education

Year: 2021


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Synergy in Methods of Teaching: Segregation Versus Integration

Tamar Ketko



We live in an ongoing dynamic of integrating diverted thoughts, methods, disciplines and activities. Scholars and politicians make their efforts to invent the needed changes in education and social initiatives. Divided between regimes and values, it is inevitable to cope with conflictual dilemmas: preserving conservative identities from the one hand, and encouraging multi-cultural attitudes from the other hand. These contradictory approaches arise critical questions about how to train the future teachers and educators. Does it mean that segregation is ‘wrong pedagogy’ and integrative subjects with synergetic models is the right direction for the next generation? Training teachers in the state of Israel arise more difficulties, regarding multiculturalism, geo-political conflicts and the divided faculties in most academic institutions. Lately, there are some moves to change these structural policies. This study suggests some theoretical and practical examples, taken from the Kibbutzim College of Education, which prove the advantage of synergetic thoughts and practices, and how they improve the teachers’ ecosystems: New academic approaches are being generalized by the idea to bond between faculties, disciplines and professional training with updated activities in any relevant aspect.

Keywords: Conservative-attitudes; Ecosystem; Segregation; Synergy; Teachers.